Bitcoin Development Resources

Comprehensive list of Bitcoin Development Resources

Table of Contents

Utility Tools

  • BitKey - BitKey is a live USB/CD platform that provides highly secure Bitcoin transactions by creating an air-gapped environment, supporting various modes for different security needs.
  • HD Wallet Scanner - This tool scans Bitcoin HD wallets to discover all used addresses, effectively overcoming the typical gap limits set by wallet software.
  • Mining visualization - offers real-time visualization tools for Bitcoin mining, providing insights into blocks, transactions, and the blockchain structure.
  • Nigiri - Nigiri is a command-line tool that allows developers to quickly set up a local Bitcoin and Liquid network environment for testing and development purposes.
  • Pycoin - Pycoin is a Python library for Bitcoin and other alt-coins, focusing on a variety of utility functions for key management, transaction creation, and more.
  • bx - A versatile command-line tool for Bitcoin, bx offers a wide range of network and blockchain utilities to facilitate various operations.
  • hal - Hal is a Swiss army knife for Bitcoin, built with Rust, providing tools for key management, transaction building, and more, all from the command line.
  • hellobitcoin - A simple set of programs for generating Bitcoin wallets, creating and signing transactions, and broadcasting them over the Bitcoin network.
  • <qr-code> – This repository hosts a customizable, dependency-free SVG-based <qr-code> web component suitable for a variety of applications.
  • txwatcher - Txwatcher is a Python utility that monitors Bitcoin addresses for activity via the Blockchain Websocket API and allows for custom callbacks when transactions occur.

Blockchain APIs and Services

  • - 3xpl is a high-speed, ad-free universal blockchain explorer that supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, offering robust data services and APIs for developers and analysts.
  • - Bitquery is a blockchain data platform providing APIs for over 40 chains, NFT analytics, and tools for monitoring cryptocurrency money flows.
  • - offers easy-to-integrate APIs for Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and Litecoin wallets and transactions with robust security features.
  • - Blockchair serves as a versatile search engine and blockchain explorer supporting multiple cryptocurrencies with additional data analytics services.
  • BlockCypher - BlockCypher is a cloud-optimized platform providing blockchain solutions including APIs for building applications on various blockchains.
  • BTC Connect - BTC Connect facilitates a unified wallet connection interface for Bitcoin Layer-1 and Layer-2 networks, enhancing user interaction with blockchain applications.
  • - provides blockchain infrastructure for organizations to build better financial services around blockchain technology.
  • Chainradar API - This API serves as a blockchain explorer tool for Chainradar, supporting multiple cryptocurrency networks.
  • Coinbase Wallet - Coinbase Wallet is a user-friendly cryptocurrency wallet supporting a wide range of digital assets with added security and ownership features.
  • Cryptocurrency Alerting - This platform provides monitoring and alerting services for cryptocurrency wallets and blockchain events, ensuring security and compliance.
  • Esplora - Esplora is an open-source and self-hosted blockchain explorer designed to deliver detailed blockchain data efficiently.
  • Insight - Insight offers a comprehensive API and blockchain explorer designed to meet the needs of developers and enterprises in analyzing blockchain data.
  • One-Time Address - This project offers a secure method to share Bitcoin addresses, enhancing privacy and reducing risks associated with address reuse.

Market Data APIs

  • - offers a JSON REST API that provides access to a wide range of cryptocurrency market data, with both free and paid versions, as well as downloadable CSV data files for comprehensive historical and real-time analysis.
  • - provides a JSON REST API that includes free and paid access to detailed cryptocurrency market data, news, and a wide array of metrics and profiles.

APIs for Wallets

  • BitGo - BitGo provides an API for digital asset financial services, supporting high-security operations for custody, trading, and lending of digital assets.
  • Coinbase - Coinbase offers an API that enables developers to integrate cryptocurrency payment services and automate trading functionalities.
  • BIP32 - BIP32 provides a standardized API for generating hierarchical deterministic wallets for secure Bitcoin key management
  • - features an API that allows developers to access blockchain data and interact with their cryptocurrency wallets.
  • walletOS - walletOS offers an API for managing digital wallets across multiple blockchains, facilitating easier access to decentralized finance.

Open-Source Wallet Solutions

  • offers an open-source web-based wallet that allows users to interact directly with blockchain networks for transactions without intermediaries.
  • CoPay by BitPay: CoPay is an open-source wallet from BitPay that supports multiple personal and shared wallets, comprehensive security features, and multi-signature functionality.
  • Electrum: Electrum provides a secure, open-source wallet solution known for its speed and low resource usage, primarily focused on Bitcoin.

Blockchain Explorer Tools

  • - offers a fast, ad-free universal block explorer for viewing blockchain transactions.
  • Bitcoin Transaction Explorer - This GitHub-hosted tool provides an open-source Bitcoin transaction explorer for detailed blockchain analysis.
  • Bitkit - Bitkit delivers real-time updates and comprehensive insights as a blockchain explorer tool.
  • - features a widely-used blockchain explorer for tracking Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Bitcoin Cash transactions.
  • - serves as a universal blockchain explorer and search engine, supporting multiple cryptocurrencies.
  • - allows users to explore Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash blockchains with detailed transaction views.
  • - provides a robust blockchain explorer for Bitcoin and Liquid network with API access for developers.
  • BlockTrail - BlockTrail offers a detailed Bitcoin blockchain explorer with additional tools for tracking and analysis.
  • - is a versatile blockchain explorer for Bitcoin and Dogecoin, providing detailed transaction and block information.
  • Smartbit - Smartbit features an advanced blockchain explorer for Bitcoin, offering detailed analytics and transaction tracking.

Contributing to Bitcoin Core

  • Bitcoin Core PR Review Club: A weekly review club that guides contributors through Bitcoin Core pull requests, fostering understanding of Bitcoin Core development standards and best practices.

  • Contributing Guidelines: Comprehensive guidelines detailing the standards and expectations for contributing code to Bitcoin Core, including coding style and best practices.

  • Developer Notes: A collection of notes that provides contributors with valuable insights into Bitcoin Core's design and code architecture.

  • High-Priority for Review Pull Requests: A curated list of high-priority pull requests that allows new contributors to focus on impactful changes while learning from experienced reviewers.

  • How to Contribute Pull Requests: A detailed guide by Jon Atack that helps contributors understand the process of creating, submitting, and maintaining pull requests to Bitcoin Core.

  • On Reviewing, and Helping Those Who Do It: An article by Jon Atack that emphasizes the importance of reviewing in Bitcoin Core development and offers practical tips for new contributors to support the review process.

  • Productivity Notes: Tips and tricks compiled by Bitcoin Core developers to help contributors optimize their workflow and increase productivity.

  • Debugging Bitcoin Core: A guide by Fabian Jahr on setting up an effective debugging environment for Bitcoin Core to help new contributors identify and resolve issues efficiently.

Development Libraries

C Programming Libraries

  • libsecp256k1 - libsecp256k1 is an optimized C library for elliptic curve operations on curve secp256k1, focusing primarily on the efficient and secure implementation of the cryptographic schemes used in Bitcoin.

C++ Programming Libraries

  • Libbitcoin - Libbitcoin is a comprehensive Bitcoin toolkit library for asynchronous applications, providing a robust toolset for building Bitcoin applications.
  • libwally-core - libwally-core is a cross-platform library for Bitcoin wallet development, offering tools for building applications that handle wallet creation, key management, and transaction building.

JavaScript Development Libraries

  • Awesome CryptoCoinJS - A curated list of packages and resources for working with CryptoCoinJS, highlighting tools for cryptocurrency development in JavaScript.
  • bcoin - bcoin provides a powerful JavaScript bitcoin library designed for node.js and browser environments, facilitating the development of robust bitcoin applications.
  • Bitcore Library - Bitcore Library is a JavaScript library for application development within the Bitcoin network, offering a rich set of utilities for manipulating Bitcoin data.
  • Bitcoinjs-lib - Bitcoinjs-lib is a popular and comprehensive JavaScript library for Bitcoin network applications, supporting advanced features like SegWit.
  • BlockTrail SDK NodeJS - BlockTrail SDK provides developers with a NodeJS library to easily integrate Bitcoin functionalities into their applications and services.
  • Cryptocoin - Cryptocoin is a JavaScript project focused on crypto standards, featuring modular packages for cryptocurrency applications.
  • Libauth - Libauth is a lightweight, zero-dependency JavaScript/TypeScript library for Bitcoin, offering tools for efficient development without external dependencies.
  • noble-curves - noble-curves is an audited, high-security TypeScript library implementing elliptic curve cryptography, including secp256k1 and Schnorr signatures.
  • noble-secp256k1 - This library provides a minimalist and highly educational implementation of the secp256k1 curve, optimized for size and clarity in TypeScript.
  • scure-btc-signer - scure-btc-signer is a secure and minimal library for creating, signing, and decoding Bitcoin transactions, supporting advanced features like Schnorr signatures and Taproot.

PHP Development Libraries

  • BlockTrail PHP SDK - The BlockTrail PHP SDK enables PHP developers to interact with the BlockTrail API, facilitating the integration of Bitcoin wallet functionalities into PHP applications.
  • PHP-OP_RETURN - PHP-OP_RETURN is a PHP library that provides a straightforward way to add OP_RETURN data to Bitcoin transactions, which is useful for embedding small pieces of data on the blockchain.

Ruby Development Libraries

  • bech32rb - bech32rb is a Ruby library for encoding and decoding both Bech32 and Bech32m formats, which are used for formatting Bitcoin SegWit addresses.
  • bip-schnorrrb - bip-schnorrrb is a Ruby library that implements the Schnorr signature scheme as specified for Bitcoin, enhancing security and efficiency in digital signatures.
  • Bitcoin-ruby - Bitcoin-ruby is a comprehensive Ruby library for building Bitcoin-based applications, featuring tools for creating and managing wallets, building transactions, and more.
  • bitcoinrb - bitcoinrb provides a Ruby library that includes a Bitcoin script interpreter among other core functionalities, facilitating the development of Bitcoin applications in Ruby.

Python Development Libraries

  • bitcoin_tools - bitcoin_tools is a Python library designed for constructing and analyzing Bitcoin transactions and scripts, including custom ones, and features a UTXO set analysis tool along with comprehensive documentation.
  • BlockTrail SDK Python - The BlockTrail SDK for Python provides developers with tools to integrate Bitcoin functionalities, such as wallet creation, transaction building, and data retrieval, into their Python applications.
  • btctxstore - btctxstore is a simple Python library that facilitates the storage and retrieval of data within Bitcoin transactions using the OP_RETURN opcode.
  • oogway - oogway is a secure Bitcoin utility library for Python, offering robust tools for handling cryptographic operations, address generation, and more.
  • pybitcointools - pybitcointools is a discontinued Python library created by Vitalik Buterin, which focused on Bitcoin transactions and signature scripting.
  • pycoin - pycoin is a Python library that supports Bitcoin key management, signature creation, and transaction operations, and includes tools for manipulating keys and transactions.

Java Development Libraries

  • BitcoinJ - BitcoinJ is an open-source Java library for working with Bitcoin, providing tools to interact directly with the Bitcoin network for wallet creation, transaction handling, and blockchain querying.
  • Bitcoin Spring Boot Starter - This library integrates Bitcoin services into Spring Boot applications, facilitating easy configuration and setup of Bitcoin-related components.
  • XChange - XChange is a library that offers a unified API for interacting with over fifty different Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchanges, simplifying the process of executing trades and retrieving data.

Scala Development Libraries

  • Bitcoin-S - Bitcoin-S is a Scala/JVM toolkit designed for Bitcoin applications, featuring robust implementations of Bitcoin data structures, transaction signing capabilities, and strongly typed clients for bitcoind and Eclair RPC services.

Swift Development Libraries

  • secp256k1.swift - secp256k1.swift is a Swift package designed for secp256k1 applications, incorporating Elliptic Curve operations, Schnorr signatures, Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP), and other cryptographic functionalities suitable for Bitcoin development.

.NET Development Libraries

  • BitcoinLib - BitcoinLib is a comprehensive and battle-tested .NET library and RPC wrapper for Bitcoin and Altcoins, developed in C#, offering extensive features and up-to-date functionalities for cryptocurrency applications.
  • NBitcoin - NBitcoin is a versatile Bitcoin library for the .NET framework, providing a robust set of tools to manage Bitcoin operations, suitable for developers working with C# and other .NET languages.

Haskell Development Libraries

  • Haskoin-core - Haskoin Core is a Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash library written in Haskell, providing a suite of functions for handling various Bitcoin operations.

Interactive Code Playgrounds

  • Bitcoin IDE - Bitcoin IDE simplifies Bitcoin Script programming, offering an accessible interface for beginners to learn and test scripts.
  • Bitcoin Script Debugger - This tool visualizes the execution of Bitcoin scripts for real transactions, aiding in debugging and understanding script behaviors.
  • Bitauth IDE - Bitauth IDE is an interactive environment for developing and testing Bitcoin smart contracts, featuring tools to write and simulate the execution of scripts.
  • Bitcore Playground - Bitcore Playground provides a web-based interface for experimenting with Bitcore's features, including building and testing Bitcoin transactions.
  • blockchain-demo - A web-based educational tool that demonstrates the fundamental concepts of blockchain technology through interactive visualizations.
  • ChainQuery Bitcoin RPC - ChainQuery allows users to explore and test Bitcoin RPC API calls directly in the browser, with access to comprehensive RPC documentation.
  • Mnemonic Code generator - This online tool generates mnemonic codes for creating deterministic keys, commonly used in cryptocurrency wallets.
  • Script Debugger - Script Debugger is a command-line tool for stepping through Bitcoin scripts to help developers understand and debug them.
  • Script Playground - Script Playground offers an online environment to write, test, and learn Bitcoin Script, providing a hands-on approach to understanding script operations.

Blockchain Data Dumps

  • BitcoinABE - Abe: a free block chain browser for Bitcoin-based currencies
  • BitcoinDatabaseGenerator - A high performance data transfer tool that can be used to copy data from Bitcoin Core blockchain files to a SQL Server database.
  • Blockparser+SQL - Fast, quick and dirty bitcoin blockchain parser.
  • Chaingraph – A multi-node blockchain indexer and GraphQL API.
  • WebBTC - These are postgres database dumps of the bitcoin-ruby-blockchain database generated by

Full Node Implementations

  • Bitcore - Bitcore has evolved from a Node.js library to a comprehensive full node implementation, allowing direct interaction with the Bitcoin network.
  • Bitcore Node - Bitcore Node bridges Bitcoin's original daemon, bitcoind, with Node.js, providing a robust API and extended functionalities for Bitcoin applications.
  • Bitcoin-ruby-node - Bitcoin-ruby-node implements a full Bitcoin node in Ruby, building on the bitcoin-ruby-blockchain library to process network transactions.
  • btcd - btcd is a Bitcoin full node implementation written in Go, known for its robustness and distinct codebase separate from Bitcoin's original C++ implementation.
  • Fullnode - Fullnode is a JavaScript Bitcoin full node that mirrors Bitcoin's functionalities in a language accessible to web developers.

Learning Resources on Bitcoin

Must-Read Materials

  • A Gentle Introduction to Bitcoin Core Development - This reading material offers a beginner-friendly overview of Bitcoin Core development, easing newcomers into the complexities of Bitcoin's backend.
  • Bitcoin Programming with BitcoinJS and Bitcoin Core CLI - This resource serves as a practical guide to programming Bitcoin applications using BitcoinJS and the Bitcoin Core command-line interface, complete with code examples.
  • Bitcoin Protocol Development Curriculum - Chaincode Labs - Offered by Chaincode Labs, this curriculum provides structured learning modules on Bitcoin protocol development, targeting those interested in contributing to its core technology.
  • Bitcoin Stackexchange - A community-driven Q&A site where users can find a vast range of questions and answers on diverse Bitcoin-related topics, ideal for both learning and troubleshooting.
  • / Developer Documentation - This website compiles a wealth of developer resources, guides, and reference material essential for anyone developing Bitcoin-related software.
  • Elliptic Curve Cryptography A Gentle Introduction - This introduction demystifies the principles of Elliptic Curve Cryptography, crucial for understanding the cryptographic underpinnings of Bitcoin.
  • Grokking Bitcoin - "Grokking Bitcoin" explains the technical aspects of Bitcoin in a visually rich format, ideal for those who prefer learning with detailed diagrams and less jargon.
  • Lightning Network Protocol Development Curriculum - Chaincode Labs - This curriculum provides an in-depth exploration of the Lightning Network protocol, offering educational content geared towards developers interested in scalable Bitcoin solutions.
  • Mastering Bitcoin - "Mastering Bitcoin" by Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a comprehensive guide to Bitcoin technology, covering everything from blockchain basics to advanced topics, widely regarded as essential reading for serious practitioners.

Educational Courses

  • Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency - This educational course, based on the book "Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies" from Princeton University, offers a comprehensive introduction to the revolutionary technologies of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It includes lectures, videos, and other educational materials that cover the technical aspects of how cryptocurrencies work.

Additional Learning Materials

  • @lopp / Bitcoin Developers - This Twitter list curated by Jameson Lopp provides a valuable resource for anyone looking to follow software developers with experience in Bitcoin implementations and applications, fostering a deeper understanding through real-time updates and insights.
  • @lopp / Lightning Developers - Another curated list by Jameson Lopp, focusing on developers experienced in Lightning Network implementations and applications, offering learners direct access to expert opinions and developments.
  • A brief history of Bitcoin development... - This video provides a historical overview of Bitcoin development, making it a useful educational resource for understanding the evolution of Bitcoin technology.
  • - This site serves as a comprehensive meta-list of Bitcoin resources, including books, articles, and podcasts, ideal for anyone seeking to learn about various aspects of Bitcoin from multiple perspectives.
  • Jameson Lopp Bitcoin Resource List - Jameson Lopp's detailed and curated list of Bitcoin resources serves as an extensive guide for learners, covering a wide range of topics from technical details to general knowledge.
  • Practical Bitcoin Info - Google Sheets - This Google Sheet is a collection of practical Bitcoin information and resources, useful for quick reference and learning specific aspects of Bitcoin handling and usage.
  • River Learn - River Learn offers a collection of educational materials designed to help users understand the basics of Bitcoin, its investment potential, technology, and much more, structured to support both newcomers and experienced individuals.